Weekly News and Messages

September Arrangements Video

Here is a short video about what things will be like in September .

Black Lives Matter

Here is a parent's guide which you could use to help explain Black Lives Matter to children.

Parent's guide to black lives matter.pdf.pdf

Updated 'How to help your child' guides

The guides for reading and writing have been rewritten and the updated versions are now on the 'Information for Parents' section in school website. They are also included here for your information.

Horspath School Guide to Reading.pdf
Horspath School Guide to Writing.pdf
Y2-Y5 letter.pdf
20200612 Social_Distancing_Letter (003)- AA.pdf
newletter 15.05.2020.pdf
Letter from Mrs Medley 12.05.2020.pdf

Weekly Collective Worship from Rev'd Karen


Week beginning 04/05/2020

An Introduction to VE Day for our children.

introduction to VE day

Weekly Collective Worship and message from Rev'd Karen


Dear Families,

I'm considering trying to introduce 'Outdoor Church' and 'Lego Church' fairly soon (on Facebook or Zoom, until we can meet together in public). I wonder if you could follow our Benefice Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/BeneficeGCH/ for further information, and to get your lego, or other building blocks, out of storage ready to start building bits of Bible stories?

Letter from Chair of Governors 1st May 2020

JA letter.pdf

Newsletter 04/05/2020

Newsletter 04.05.2020.pdf

Weekly Messages: 27/04/2020

  • Please save anything you have made at home whilst we are closed. When we are able to open we will collect them all and display them around school

  • Answers to last weeks Riddles

    • 1 The house has no stairs- it's a one story house

    • 2 A carrot

    • 3 Your Shadow

    • 4 A clock